How It Works
The parent-child relationship lasts well beyond the first 18 years! How we invest in those middle interactions can heavily affect how we spend the last 18 years of the relationship…
PLAtimes can help diversify the interactions as well as build resiliency giving strength to the relationship so that the middle years do not bottom out right before entering the phase where children switch places as primary caregivers and decision makers for their parents.
Our Service
We focus on service over product; “together play” that can lead into independent play! Our focus is more social-emotional that S.T.E.M.! We focus on both the brain of the parent AND the brain of the child inside the relationship. Our activities are meant to be traditional and we encourage repetition as children grow from 2-18.
We stay up to date on the latest research to provide insight into communication and cognitive development with fun interaction. These are good for both the parent’s brain as well as the child’s. Our team creates and tests activities for their laughter quotient and connection level. We gather and package everyday materials to influence exceptional situations and script incidental learning opportunities. This saves you time that you can reinvest in the actual one-on-one interactions with your children that build over the life-span of your relationship.
Parents and children connect in different ways. In different phases of parenting, one particular method can become dominant and others fade away. For instance, the majority of connections can become disciplinary and silly connections cease to occur. PLAtimes are built to increase and maintain balance and variety in the connection routine. We prayerfully hope to facilitate connections through silliness, giving, truth, trust, safety, understanding, teamwork, creation, imagination, and more.
Your Action
1.Visit the blog for tips and helpful information for parent-child interaction and share these resources with friends. Favorites seem to be “Sick Day Survival” for those sick days, “Miss You Mission Game” for helping children through missing someone or something, and “Perspective Activity” for communicating that other people may have different perspectives. There are also tools for using meida and more!
2. Follow @platimebox on Instagram for weekly connection suggestions. There is often a Monday encouragement for parents, a Tuesday Tool to equip parents, a Wednesday Resource for extra support, a Thursday thought to help build anticipation in the parent, and then a Friday posted Weekend fun activity for the family to enjoy! Sometimes we will post a week earlier for holiday fun but often it is just on the actual holiday.
3.Set aside routine 20-30 minute PLAtimes and write on a calendar for your child/ren to anticipate interaction with you- once per month or more often if you have littles that require more of you! Rotate if you have multiple children! Check out the blog for ideas on how to use PLAtime system.
**NOTE**Some recommended items can be used with any age UNDER STRICT SUPERVISION. Most are common household items that have small items that could be choking hazards for children under 3 years of age. Ages for maximum benefit are 18 months to 12 years.
“Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.” - Jude 1:2